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Wave Fence is to be sited as a shimmering stand-alone sculpture, act as a gateway or can be incorporated as part of actual fencing. A standard chain link fence morphs gradually into a tubular wave shape. Inserted in each diamond-shaped hole are polished stainless steel discs which are secured with a locking hook and swivel mechanism. The discs are flat, or concave/convex, or a mixture of flat and convex. The pieces are interactive and can be turned so they click in place showing one reflective face or another. Visitors would be able to create shapes or write words in the fence by selectively turning the discs.
Medium: chain link fence, highly polished stainless steel discs
Dimensions: 8’ x 200’ x 8’
Site: Jamail Skatepark, Houston, Texas (competition finalist)
Client(s): Sabine Street Water Pump Facility
Budget: $200,000.00